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Showing posts from July, 2017

Present to Heal

I was waking up from a late afternoon nap with my son and in the twilight zone-between awake and asleep-I hear a voice say, "Luke 5:17 and 18--pray and see." Getting up and mulling over what I had just heard, I grabbed my phone and began typing into my notes what the voice had said.  I then began to search for these scriptures. Luke 5:17-18King James Version (KJV) 17 And it came to pass on a certain day, as he was teaching, that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by, which were come out of every town of Galilee, and Judaea, and Jerusalem: and the power of the Lord was present to heal them. 18 And, behold, men brought in a bed a man which was taken with a palsy: and they sought means to bring him in, and to lay him before him. Okay, but what do these verses mean? Well, the voice I had heard said "pray and see."  And so, that's what I did. I figured the best way to pray these verses was to memorize them and quote them over and...

The Escape

I n my previous blog I wrote on being trapped by the enemy. Now I will continue with living free from control of the enemy's clutches . Have you ever owned a pet that escaped its cage or designated area in which it was contained? If you have, you know the frustration it can bring. First, you must locate the escaped animal; which, can take either a small or large amount of time. Sometimes you have to use some kind of bait to lure them back. Then, comes the retrieval. You must retrieve them in order to bring them back into captivity. And, more than likely, the last step would be to locate and fortify the weak spots of that cage or containment area. When we escape out of the grimy hands of the enemy, he gets angry; and the enemy will take these same steps previously mentioned in an attempt to bring us back under his captivity.   He begins by searching. 1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking who...


Before you begin reading this blog I will let you know that this is a very personal part of my life that I haven't openly shared until now, but it's part of my testimony and I will allow God to use it in whichever way he desires. I was hesitant to write on this topic because it is so deep and personal but the Lord has confirmed it to me twice now, so I hope it blesses someone here. S uicide is no foreign concept in scripture. We have Abimelec- who was mortally wounded by a millstone-who ordered his armour-bearer to kill him to avoid the suggestion that he had been killed by the woman who had thrown the stone. The prophet Ahithophel hung himself after betraying David. Zimri burned down his house around him after military defeat. And some of the more familiar stories: Saul and his armour-bearer, Samson, and, of course, Judas who was Jesus' disciple. Also, in Acts we find the jailor who almost committed suicide when he awoke and found his prisoners had escaped. I...

Name Change Please

S ince I can remember, I've been called by a name that's not my name. For whatever reason I'm not sure, I have been called by the name Jackie. Most likely it was my decision, because I felt like my real name was so long and not very popular. Growing up I was a HUGE tomboy. Anyone who knew me can attest to this. So to me, Jackie felt more identifiable with who I was at the time than my real, much longer, proper sounding name, Jacqueline. As I got older and the longer I began to hold on to this name, my real name actually began to fade away. No one knew me as Jacqueline any longer, and neither did I. Around 6th grade, as I mentioned in my previous blog 'Religion Is Not Working', I began to fall away from the church and from God. I had joined a competitive cheerleading team with my friends, and began to gain popularity in school. Everyone in school knew me as Jackie, and by the time freshman year of high school came around, my name had been associated with many thing...

Rejection Just Ahead

  H ave you ever felt the pain of rejection? I know I have, more often than I'd care to share. There's nothing in scripture which indicates that it's a sin to feel rejection, but I believe it can become one if we allow it to disable the relationships in our lives. Feeling something and allowing something to control us are two very different things. It's not wrong to feel hurt or rejected, but if we allow those feelings to stay and make a home in our hearts, we are giving those feelings the reigns that steer the carriage.    Rejection can lead to unforgiveness, which in turn leaves no room for the forgiveness of our own sins. Rejection not only can affect our spiritual well-being, but it can also affect our physical health as well. Did you know that rejection piggybacks on physical pain pathways in the brain? A study has been done which shows taking Tylenol can actually dull the physical effects th...

God's Motto

E veryone has the capability to serve. But who's servant are you? Today I'm going to talk about the main difference between God's ministry and Satan's; servant-hood. Let's start here. Angels were created to serve, God and man. They are ministering spirits. Lucifer however, did not want to serve God, let alone any man. Yet, he loved to be called the angel of music. He wanted the title of musician, without the title of servant. He wanted the adoration, praise, and glory that belonged to God. Jesus accomplished what Lucifer would and could not. He came down to earth, took upon him the form of a servant, and ministered to many. There are many with the same mindset, who would love to 'serve' on a platform; singing, playing instruments, or preaching; but when it comes time to wash their brothers feet they are no where to be found. Is performing on a platform the extent of our service to the Lord? Contrary to what some might think, the Word ...

By Faith

                                      H ave you ever gone through a terrible situation but somehow had complete peace in the midst of it? If your answer is no, I hope by the end of this blog you can pick up some tools which will help you to experience this kind of peace that passes all understanding. If your answer is yes, we know that the reason we can have peace and joy in those kinds of times is because our faith is not in man, not in this world, or its deceitfulness of riches, but that our faith is in Jesus Christ. God of all. We know that our inheritance comes after this world is passed away. Heaven and earth will pass away, but his words will NEVER fail. We aren't promised that everything will be perfect here on earth, we're actually promised the exact opposite. We're promised that trials ...