Everyone has the capability to serve. But who's servant are you? Today I'm going to talk about the main difference between God's ministry and Satan's; servant-hood. Let's start here. Angels were created to serve, God and man. They are ministering spirits. Lucifer however, did not want to serve God, let alone any man. Yet, he loved to be called the angel of music. He wanted the title of musician, without the title of servant. He wanted the adoration, praise, and glory that belonged to God. Jesus accomplished what Lucifer would and could not. He came down to earth, took upon him the form of a servant, and ministered to many. There are many with the same mindset, who would love to 'serve' on a platform; singing, playing instruments, or preaching; but when it comes time to wash their brothers feet they are no where to be found. Is performing on a platform the extent of our service to the Lord? Contrary to what some might think, the Word says no. I am in no way opposed to worshipping God on the platform, but the problem comes when we think that is all God requires or desires from us. The scriptures say our service to the Lord is: feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, and visiting prisoners, ect. (Matthew 25, Isaiah 58, Ezekiel 18:7, Prov 19:17, 22:9, ect.) These are the things we will be judged by when the Lord returns, and this is how he calls us to serve. We must show our faith by our good works. This is biblical ministry. The five fold ministry of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher is a biblical ministry because it was created to serve the saints. It is for the building and edifying of the body of Christ. Sometimes these 'title's' can be misused for power, money, fame, ect. The way to discern between a true member of the five fold ministry and a false prophet is to inspect their fruit, their servant-hood, their actions. Some people give a lot of word service with very little action. This kind of faith without works, is dead; useless to others. "And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?"
The Lord cares about meeting the physical needs of people as well as the spiritual. Our spiritual needs are met through preaching, prayer, and the Word. But if people are only supplying the spiritual needs of the poor without meeting the physical needs as well, scripture says it's all useless! God tells us to test the spirits, even evil spirits can disguise themselves as angels of light. An evil spirit will never serve, and if it does, the motive is usually to gain power and position. A true servant serves out of a pure heart towards the Lord.
In John chapter 10 the Jews were divided about Jesus. Some of them said he is demon possessed, while others said how can a demon heal the blind? In another chapter they had accused Jesus of casting out demons by the prince of demons, and Jesus told them a house divided cannot stand. He tells them in John chapter 10 verse 25, the proof of who I am is in the work I do in my Father's name. Can it get any more clear than that? Satan will not do anything to jeopardize his own structure. He is only looking out for himself so why would he heal someone of their blindness or deafness? Why would he cause the lame to walk or the dumb to speak? You can distinguish between Jesus's ministry and Satan's by who they are serving. Jesus and his angels serve people. Satan and his demons will only serve themselves and their own purpose. It's scary to think that we are living in a generation who is only concerned with serving themselves. The motto of the world is to 'look out for number 1'; But that is not God's motto. God's motto is to "Love your neighbor as yourself." This means serving and treating each other how we would treat our own bodies, our own families, and friends.
The Lord cares about meeting the physical needs of people as well as the spiritual. Our spiritual needs are met through preaching, prayer, and the Word. But if people are only supplying the spiritual needs of the poor without meeting the physical needs as well, scripture says it's all useless! God tells us to test the spirits, even evil spirits can disguise themselves as angels of light. An evil spirit will never serve, and if it does, the motive is usually to gain power and position. A true servant serves out of a pure heart towards the Lord.
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