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Present to Heal

I was waking up from a late afternoon nap with my son and in the twilight zone-between awake and asleep-I hear a voice say, "Luke 5:17 and 18--pray and see." Getting up and mulling over what I had just heard, I grabbed my phone and began typing into my notes what the voice had said.  I then began to search for these scriptures.

Luke 5:17-18King James Version (KJV)
17 And it came to pass on a certain day, as he was teaching, that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by, which were come out of every town of Galilee, and Judaea, and Jerusalem: and the power of the Lord was present to heal them.
18 And, behold, men brought in a bed a man which was taken with a palsy: and they sought means to bring him in, and to lay him before him.

Okay, but what do these verses mean? Well, the voice I had heard said "pray and see."  And so, that's what I did. I figured the best way to pray these verses was to memorize them and quote them over and over. I have been quoting and praying these verses, whenever I remember, since the day I received the command--June 28th.

Not many people, besides my immediately family, know about the medical issues I've been experiencing for the past 2 years--since I had my son. I've been in and out of the doctor’s office more times than I can count. Well, recently, I was finally able to receive some answers. I was told that I have a small mass-about 6mm-on my thyroid and that it is suspected to be cancer. For those of you who don't know what I looked like before I had my son, I consistently weighed approximately 125 pounds.  After giving birth, my weight dwindled down to about 107 pounds. I knew something was wrong and so did my family. So, considering my current condition, I figured that what I heard the voice say must have something to do with my own health. And, it does, but I did not understand what it meant until today when it was revealed through another situation.

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The date is July 27th and my son is very sick. He's been gripping at his tummy and laying on the floor crying with clammy sweats. Everything in me hates to see him in so much pain. My immediate response is to go to the store for some medicine. So, I ask my aunt-who is here with me-if she would mind staying with him while I run to the store real quick to grab medication. I rush out the door thankful that the nearest store is only about a mile and a half away.  I’m about halfway there when all of a sudden Luke 5:17-18 comes to mind. I begin to quote the verses in my head, not really understanding what it had to do with this situation. Then it jumps out at me. There are two different responses to the power of the Lord.

The first response given is from the Pharisees and doctors of the law. They sat by and observed; which was starkly contrasted by the response of the “other men” mentioned. These men do not have a title or a name--the scripture just says there were 'men'. But these men responded with action. They didn't just sit by and observe God’s power at work, but they acted on it. They brought in, on a bed, a man who had some kind of palsy. They KNEW the power of God was there and this man could be healed. Keep in mind, Jesus was only teaching that day. He wasn't out there walking on water or raising people from the dead or feeding thousands with only one loaf of bread. He was just teaching. But these men recognized something that the Pharisees and lawyers did not--the POWER that was present. The scriptures say the power of the Lord was present to heal the Pharisees and the lawyers too! So why did they just sit by? They could have been healed, just like the man who was laying in the bed.  Instead of utilizing the power that was present, they sat by and watched. They didn't recognize the power.

I'm thinking about all of this as I walk up to the pharmacy desk to ask the lady if there is anything I can give my son for the flu. I was told that all I can do is keep him hydrated and wait it out. I left discouraged that I had no way of helping my son. And then, the conviction came. I had been responding just like the Pharisees and lawyers. Instead of recognizing and utilizing the power of the Lord that was present to heal my son, I was going to sit by and wait for the sickness to pass while he remained in pain. Sometimes we think the power of God only moves at certain times and/or in the right setting or atmosphere. But the scripture says otherwise. All Jesus was doing was teaching.  BUT, the same power --that He used to create the heaven and the earth, the same power that spoke light into existence and caused the dead to be raised--was still present. God’s power is still present on even the most ordinary of days. The problem I had was recognizing that and my actions had given me away. As soon as I realized what my response had been, I heard the words again, "pray and see." God wants me to change the way I respond to His power. He wants me to go from “oblivious observer” to “action taker”. He DOES want to heal our sickness; no matter what day it is or how big or small it is.  HOWEVER, He will not force it on us. My son sat at home sick in bed just like the man with the palsy; while, the power of the Lord was present to heal him. It’s time to take my son in to the King and lay him down before Him. Each of us will find ourselves in one of these categories: Some won't recognize the power of the Lord in a seemingly ordinary service while others will be so desperate that they will walk in on a Wednesday night while the pastor is teaching and receive their healing.

If you are in the same category I found myself in today, I encourage you to "pray and see." The same power that was present to heal the man in bed was there to heal the Pharisees and lawyers as well. The difference was recognition and response. Let God change your response to His presence. Let the power that is present heal you. Don't be stuck in the category of “oblivious observer”. Take action. Stay desperate. This is what God has been trying to show me through my own sickness. Will I recognize His power that is present to heal me--even in an ordinary day at home? I hope so. It's time to lay myself before Him everyday;  just like the man in the bed was brought in and laid before Him.


  1. Jackie as your grandmother I am troubled at your progrnosis. God is our healer physically and spiritually. And both sitiations require desperation as you have written. I had thyroid issues just to give family history but they have subsided. I will pray and seek God that yours will do the same. Sometimes our darkest moments bring us to this desperation but also lead us to a depth in God we would not otherwise have. God is using you to share with others and my prayer he will continue to do so for many years. I love you with all my heart. I no longer have messanger but my cell is 601 522 1128. Text anytime. Thank you for your writings

    1. Yes he is. Apparently thyroid problems run on both sides of the family, unfortunately. My great grandmother on my moms side had her thyroid removed for reasons unknown, and I recently found out it runs on my grandpa Waynes side and now yours. I have peace about everything now but it was definitely scary at first. I know God has already shown me plans for my future so I have hope and trust His will for my life. I believe God will use this situation for His purpose. Thank you for the prayers, I appreciate all of the support I continue to receive. Love you too. Okay thank you

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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