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Written In The Earth

   There has been much speculation as to what Jesus actually wrote in the earth in John 8:8, when the pharissees were attempting to trap him by questioning what should be done to an adulteress who they brought before him. I believe that if we examine the scriptures more closely, God actually gives us the answer. Everything in the old testament is a shadow or a prophecy of the new. In John chapter 7 we read that it was the last day of the festival of Sukkot, when Jesus began crying out to the people "anyone who believes on me as the scripture hath said, out of his belly(most inward parts) shall flow rivers of מים חים (living waters)." Essentially declaring himself as the fountain or source of living waters.
   The next day, the day after Jesus makes this proclamation, the Pharissees bring to him this woman whom they are accusing of adultery and they try to trick Jesus by saying the law of Moses requires that she be stoned, then they ask what he thinks they should do to her. Instead of arguing with these men Jesus simply replies with scripture from the law of Moses. Dueteronomy 19: 16-19 which is in essance saying that if you bare false witness against your brother and it is found out, whatever you would have had done to them should be done to you. The law of Moses demanded that if someone were to be caught in adultery, both the man and woman should be brought, otherwise it is consider a false witness. Now keep in mind they had only brought the woman, which would make them false witnesses according to the law. So Jesus responds by saying, let him who is without sin cast the first stone at her. They were all convicted because they knew they had sinned by being false witnesses. Jesus then stoops down and begins to write in the earth.
   So now let's go to the book of Jeremiah 17:13 "O LORD, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living waters." The same pharissees that came to Jesus are the same ones who had rejected his declaration the day before about the fountain of living waters, therefore Jesus stoops down and begins to write in the earth as every single one of them departs from him, the fulfillment of this prophecy. Now we still don't know for certain which was written, it may have been their names he was writing, or it could have been the scripture itself.
   I hope you find this enlightening and are encouraged to study God's word deeper! A lot of times we try to interpret scripture on our own and it's easy to get lost or get things twisted, but if we allow the scriptures to interpret themselves we will never go wrong! God gives us all of the answers in His word, it's our job to seek them out. The scripture itself tells us it is not given for any private interpretation. The Jews get really messed up because they actually take the interpretations of their rabbis as absolute truth, they elevate the interpretations and make them equal to God's word, which we must never do! This is what Jesus meant when he is rebuking the Pharisees and Sadducees for teaching doctrines of men as if they were equal with God's laws. Don't allow others to interpret scripture for you, let the Word do the work and you will not go astray! God bless. 


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