I've heard a few different interpretations on the account of Joseph. Some believe that if he would have used discretion with his dreams he may have been spared his sufferings and God could have still fulfilled his purpose another way, bringing him into Egypt. I suppose if we were to look at this account with no relation to the rest of scripture I could agree with this interpretation. We know God always brings to pass his purpose, but sometimes how hard or simple it is accomplished is up to us. Though when we take into account scriptures like 2 Timothy 3:16, Romans 15:4, and Colossians 2:17, we can look at the account of Joseph as a shadow or foretelling of something that would later come. Joseph was betrayed by his brethren (the 12 tribes of Israel) for 20 pieces of silver, he went through much suffering so that not only his own family could be saved but so that many people could be saved through him. He appears to his brothers dressed in foreign clothing and speaking in a foreign language but when he finally reveals who he is his brothers are stricken with grief for what they had done to him. He tells them not to be angry with themselves for selling him into slavery because God used it to save not only them (the house of Israel) but the lives of many.
Now in comparison we see that Jesus was betrayed by not only Judas but all twelve disciples (who represent the 12 tribes, Matthew 19:28) by deserting him in his time of suffering, even the most loyal Peter denied he even knew him. He was sold out for 30 pieces of silver. He had to endure the suffering in order for the very people who betrayed him (the house of Israel) and the rest of humanity to receive salvation.
Finally, when Jesus returns and sets his feet upon the mount of olives his people (Israel) will look at him and not recognize who he is until he reveals himself by showing them the holes in his wrists; then they will begin to weep and mourn for what they did to their messiah, the one who was sent to save them. In Romans we read that the Jewish people had to stumble at Jesus and betray him in order for us gentiles to receive salvation, but that they also through us would receive salvation because of their jealousy.
I truly believe everything that was written in the old testament was written for our learning, they're not just a bunch of old stories but prophetic accounts that will cause our faith to increase when we see their fulfillment. Jesus told his disciples in John 14:29, "I have told you these things before they happen so that when they do happen, you will believe."
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