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Religion Is Not Working

    I am convinced that religion without relationship is what is turning people away from God. I grew up in the church, but what I had was religion without relationship. I had many amazing experiences, including receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost at the age of just 4. But a few childhood encounters were not enough to keep me through my teenage years. I needed grounding. As a result of  lacking real relationship with God, I began to fall away from church around the age of 11.    By the age of 13 I was totally lost from God and the church, or so I felt. I had made a few attempts at coming back, but each time was the same. I would stay in for a while, something would happen, I would be hurt and then I was gone again. I went through a long period of my life without church, and without God. I hadn't had the best experience with religion. However, on the rare occasion that I would visit church with my m...
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Purify me Lord

   Most times we give the enemy glory he doesn't deserve. When things go wrong in our lives or it seems like we are being attacked by some outside force, we are quick to jump to the conclusion that it must be the devil. Without discrediting the fact that we are in a spiritual battle and there are spiritual forces out there warring for our allegiance, we must be conscious of the fact that not all 'attacks' are from the devil. The devil only has the power to tempt us to sin, to entice us, but in actuality he has no power to touch us unless we remove Gods covering over our lives; or unless God removes it himself. Satan has no power of his own, everything he has is given to him by God. Just like we see in the book of Job. If you are in the kingdom of God you are in the hedge of protection. The enemy can not get through the hedge without permission.    In many tragic cases in the bible, God is recognized as the one who brings these trials. As in the book o...


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Written In The Earth

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Joesph &Jesus

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What Is The 'True Church'?

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Hanukkah Only For The Jews? Let's Find Out!

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