M any times I have heard the announcement come with sincerity from the pulpit, "Isn't it great to be in the house of God today! There's no where else I'd rather be than in church on a Sunday." If I'm being honest, even though I know this statement is made by people who are truly excited to be in God's presence with their brothers and sisters, the expression continues to get my proverbial goat. When we as the body of Christ continue to use expressions such as this, it can bring confusion to those in and outside the realm of believers. It says to the believer that it is the building and not the individual which holds the power and Spirit of God. To the unbeliever it paints a picture of damnation to their souls if they dare to step foot into such a building. I'm sure you all have heard it from at least one person who is an unbeliever or maybe you have even said it yourself before you were saved (I did); "If I ever step foot in a church the...
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