E xperiences are amazing. They make something feel refreshed, revived, new, and alive. But if we only live for the experiences we will find we are not really that much alive at all. Living is something that is done in between every experience. Change doesn't usually come overnight or all at once. So, to say an experience has changed your life would be an incorrect statement. Our lives are changed by the choices we make and the actions we take everyday. If it takes an experience to keep you going, you may not actually be living. I was reading a book called "Lord Change Me" and throughout the course of this book the author talks about the process of the change taking place in her life. God had been working on her for over 14 months. Throughout those 14 agonizing months she had many amazing experiences. One particular experience led her to the writing of another book called "When Women Pray". Though these experiences were many and powerful, was it solely in the...
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